Volunteer registration and program contributions are open!

Miss Libussa 2022 - Moon info
Miss Libussa, envoy of the Moon
(art by Dyonys)

Despite hiding in the shadows for a longer time (recent past events kept us busy elsewhere), Czequestria 2022 is alive! Preparations are already in full swing: planning, counting, arranging venue and guests, saying hi to new members of the organization team … there is always something going on.

Preparation is one thing, but we will need much more during the Czequestria weekend – therefore, as every year, we are looking for volunteers (in Czech con jargon “staff”) who will help us on the spot with the preparation and running of the event itself. Do you want to join? Awesome! Whether you have experience from the past or want to try volunteering for the first time, we are glad that we got this together! Information and registration for the volunteer team can be found on the page Join the staff team.

No one, however, goes to a convention to look at the organizers 🙂 In addition to meeting other fans and friends, Czequestria is primarily a space for content creators, not only guests of big names but everyone who contributes to the brony community. Whether you are an artist of any kind, a game developer, or have something interesting prepared for the brony audience, there is a space for you too! If you want to present your work at Czequestria, or organize a workshop or any other thematic activity, be sure to write to us via the page Participate and perform at Czequestria!

In the meantime, we are still working on the ticket sale and vendor registration. We will get back to you soon with more news!