Here you will find an overview of photos, videos, and other materials from Czequestria 2022. We hope you all have a lot of wonderful memories from the con!
Our many thanks to everypony who made Czequestria possible after its 3 years break!
If you know or have any other photos, videos, or similar materials from Czequestria, please let us know – we’ll be happy to publish them here!
2022: Guests | Program | LARP | Tickets | All related posts
From official photographers
The program, participants, and interesting moments – the best choice from all angles.
- LARP + weekend program (NitramBro); full-res to download here
From attendees and guests
- LARP + weekend program (Cabraloca)
- LARP + weekend program (Fun1k)
- LARP + weekend program (XetoTravels)
- LARP + weekend program (McKeyPL, kluknawa235, Birdy Bird)
- LARP + weekend program (Catra)
- Preparations + weekend program (Jamis)
- Weekend program (KubMakCZ)
- Pre-party and cosplays (DecoyPie)
- LARP + weekend program (TechnikTomCZ)
Competition photos from Friday’s “LARP”
We received many competition photos from Friday’s game around Prague, which we are happy to share 🙂
Promo videos and reports
Czequestria 2022: Sun vs. Moon intro video from Paint Swirl (showed at the beginning of the Opening Ceremony) and interview with a community musician Prince Whateverer.
Panels and party recordings from the Mane Hall
Recordings from the whole convention program. Annotations, including time indexes and download links for full-quality videos, can be found on Fang’s website.