Thank You!

Czequestria 2024 - group photo; author: NitramBro
Group photo, Czequestria 2024; author: Nitram

Ten years of Czequestria, as well as the anniversary with the theme “The Four Seasons” are history now. I look back about a thousand times and it all looks a little different every time. Or do I simply look at everything that has passed with each subsequent experience with different eyes? Who knows. The past won’t come back anyway, so we move on together.

Significant milestones often means comparison of the current and the past events. It was no different in our case: ten years is a long time, history is slowly disappearing behind the horizon, and just a few people realize today, that it was different at the beginning of Czequestria: a wave of enthusiasm, one dream, one promise, five friends, the Magic of Friendship which all together gave thing the needed initial push. Add the effort and stubbornness of dozens of people, a decade full of successes and failures… and the calendar suddenly shows today. Stories that would be enough for several books (the beginning is well summarized in Road to Czequestria). Was it worth it? Definitely!

Each Czequestria was different and brought significant changes – you will not find two same ones. This year also brought a few new things, several new records and (un)fulfilled expectations, but the basic principle remains the same: we meet not only as passionate fans of My Little Pony, but also as friends. And it doesn’t matter how many years we’ve been together, how many years we’ve known each other, or what’s happening in the world around us. This weekend belonged to us and will stay like that!

Thank you all!

My thanks to everyone who contributed to this year’s Czequestria! In total, more than 80 people participated in the preparations: from organizers and helpers to contributors and guests.

Thanks to all of you!

My thanks to everyone who contributed to this year’s Czequestria! In total, more than 80 people participated in the preparations: from organizers and helpers to contributors and guests.

Thanks also to all attendees, because in the end, without you who decided to come, the whole con would be meaningless.

And I’m honored to be a part of it all together with you!

Thanks to all guests for their participation and a great con spirit!

Bahia Watson – for an insight into the world of acting and voice acting not only of the fifth generation of My Little Pony; for a great company and bringing an unceasing good mood everywhere she appeared.

Imalou – for a panel about (not only) art in the fifth generation of My Little Pony, a detailed insight into the creation of characters in G5 and the story about the life journey of a fan-creative whose work has become part of the canon of our favorite world of Equestria. Also for the wonderful contribution to the charity auction in the form of a Sunny Starscout painting.

Kristýna Skružná – for the panel about Czech dubbing and its secrets, also for the willingness to visit us despite the busy schedule and for the answers to our curious questions about ponies.

Perrydotto – for moderating the Cosplay Competition, the traditionally excellently executed auction show at the end of Czequestria and having the incredible stamina until the very end of the event.

Thanks to all the musicians for the Saturday party!

Blackened Blue – for the nu-metal concert, which really stirred up the party atmosphere and which many visitors couldn’t get enough of.

Nicolas Dominique – for a DJ music performance, his highly anticipated first live concert for a brony audience.

Velvet R. Wings – for music and vocals laced with emotion, flowing across many genres and unforgettable harp playing.

Mane in Green – for a concert of not only music, but also musical inspiration and storytelling, where tones sound instead of words.

Thanks to all contributors and panelists!

Flitterkriz – for the panel on the basics of voice acting, for moderating the panel with Bahia Watson and being willing to help out whenever needed

Shoob – for The Ultimate Brony Game Show panel, aka trivia in the big style

RailwayDash, CrashOverride, Rainbow-Dave and Josef – for organizing PlushieCon for plushies of all sizes and shapes, inspired by MLP:FiM, and for the related panel.

SigmaAlcis – for a crocheting workshop for beginners, where the participants took home their own keychain.

Houpe – for the traditional workshop of painting 3D ponies from G4 and G5.

Paint Swirl – for the amazing intro video of Czequestria in the four seasons theme.

Kasai – for a panel about role playing in the MLP world as well as RPG playing Tails of Equestria

Dario Novelli – for RPG gaming for everyone in the MLP world of Planeshift: Equestria

THANKS to all that have helped during the preparations and running of Czequestria!

Tom0147 – for the organization of the “LARP”: from writing the story, planning the route, purchasing and transporting materials, through the preparation, printing and completion of documents, briefing for NPCs and the very start of the entire event, to the evaluation of the entire game during the Sunday program. Thanks also for the organization of tickets and merch on site and the translations during the panel with the Czech voice actor.

Wander Fox – for all the organization of the art team, for merch orders both for tickets and for crowdfunding, as well as solving all related matters. Also for building and running DDR Trotmania on site and also for preparing and putting the information booklet (aka Conguide) together with almost infinite patience.

pipa943 and Pajzl – for organizing the team of volunteers, from their recruitment, through communication, shift planning and supervision of the event itself, so that everything went as it should and people were in the right place at the right time. Thanks also to pipa for organizing and providing the transport of most of the material to and from the venue, also for the picking up of the guests, willingness to help anytime and general support whenever needed.

Nugget – for organizing the Saturday party, communicating with musicians and planning musical performances, assisting with Q&A on panels with guests and constantly monitoring the health of both organizers and visitors throughout Czequestria.

Rusty Headphones – for assistance in organizing the Saturday party, preparing the equipment, technical support and for the visual show during the concerts

Melgarh – for assisting in the organization of the Saturday party, from renting the necessary equipment to setting it up on site. Also for My Little Rockband and helping organize the whole event whenever needed.

Antošík – for the entire organization of vendors and exhibitors, from applications to planning to solving problems on the spot, also for issuing and selling merch from crowdfunding. Last but not least, for valuable advice on legal matters and general support whenever needed.

Fang – for providing the hardware, preparing and running the data network on site, also for providing, preparing and running the video equipment for the live stream and recording of the program from the main hall and for the excellent processing of all audiovisual recordings from all over Czequestria. Also thanks for the help with PR before and after the event and general technical support.

FailovaCZ – for the preparation and organization of the Cosplay Show, both before the event and on-site, organization of venue decorations and preparations, Signing Sessions with guests, as well as PR during Czequestria.

TechnikTomCZ – for help with issuing tickets, organizing the Cosplay Show and Signing Sessions with guests.

Terry and AutumnBreezee – for organizing the charity auction, which is one of the most demanding events at Czequestria: from the preparation, to the on-site inventory of the items and the planning of the execution itself, to the final billing. Also thanks to Terry for the help with ticketing and merch.

Cwossie – for moderating the interview with Czech dubber Kristýna Skružná, moderating the Cosplay Show and last but not least for the “Make your pony headband” workshop. Also thanks for the help with PR before and after the event and for the support whenever it was needed.

Vojta (tydlitele) – for the provision and operation of all audio equipment in the Mane Hall for the entire duration of Czequestria: from the Friday preparations, through the correct settings and adjustments as needed, to the taking of audio recordings, constant supervision of the operation and valuable advice regarding sound.

Aldar, DragonsCZ, Unit and Dex – for providing and servicing the audiovisual equipment and livestream for the entire duration of the event. Also to Dex for preparing and lending hardware to My Little Karaoke.

To all graphic designers who make Czequestria much more colorful and decorated!
WanderFox – for managing the art team, completing the CongGuide, finalizing designs, backgrounds and texts, as well as for the merch orders, both for tickets and as part of crowdfunding. Also for the design for pint glasses and lanyards, as well as the necessary trimming of name tags after they are printed.
MesuYoru – for the design of the pony OC for VIP guests, the template for the design of the 3D figurine of Miss Libussa, the designs of name tags for all tickets, the announcement Miss Libussa for the website and PR, as well as the mugs in the four seasons theme, the design of the poster and plates for Petals tickets, the pin buttons for Blossom tickets and last but not least, for the design of t-shirts for organizers, staff and participants, as well as the design of t-shirts for crowdfunding.
Dyonys – for the complete website design and pony OC designs for musicians.
AyaYai – for the designs of the commemorative coin, the crowdfunding pin button and the bag.
Light – for flyer, roll-ups and towels designs, front side of the ConGuide also pony OC for musicians.
SteveLynx – for the design of the 3D figurine of Miss Libussa for Petals tickets and help with order processing.


To all who participated in the “LARP” organization and preparations!
Tom0147 – for the overall organization of the Friday “LARP”, writing the story and planning the route.
Elin – for help with quests, bagging and for operating the portal.
pipa943 – for translating the texts and proofreading the story.
Blossom – for proofreading the story.
Vojta (tydlitele) – for renting, transportation and servicing the sound system at the starting location.

To all of the “LARP” NPCs!! (in the order of game path)
Cwossie, Birdyy, Alkel, Blossom, Flitterkriz and Elin


Thanks to all the staff at the convention!
Security overseers and guardians of Czequestria – Cornūequus, RockyStyle, EinStapelWasser, Flynn and Pajzl
Dressing room staff guarding the personal belongings – Quint t. W., Anemonis, Aya Yai, Phil, Bori, Jearis, Lucius and Quad
Workshops (creating with ponies) supervision – Leafy Greenman, Jonny_brony, Thyristor, Ruushii and Iluzon
My Little Karaoke (singing with ponies) supervision – Renard, RainbowDerpy and HouPe
DDR Trotmania (jumping and dancing with ponies) supervision – Izzy, Foxi, Fun1k, Quad, Jonny_brony and FeedTheMEe
My Little Rockband (playing in a music band with ponies) supervision – Lucius, Ijane, Blossom, Thyristor, FeedTheMEe and Foxi
VR (ponies all around) supervision – Fun1k, Alkel, Bori and Kočičkazuzik
Assistance at a charity auction – Anemonis and QjmasterCz
Assistance with sound engineering in Mane Hall – Žárovka
Sellers and handlers of all Czequestria merchandise – Flaiming, IzV, Isobell, Ruushii, SirMichael and QjmasterCz
Medics, always ready to take care of the health of the participants and the organizers – Nugget

Photographers who captured the events from close up and from afar!
NitramBro and McKeyPL – for the photos capturing the atmosphere and participants, both at the “LARP” and throughout the weekend!

Vendors and exhibitors!
Light’s Art, Mr. Cellophane, GinnyCZ, Strawb3rry Sparkl3z, CutePencilCase, JellySketch, Dorks Engraved, U Spikeova ocásku, Balychen and TrainWreiter, SigmaAlcis, Monnarcha, queenhoneybee, Acylius Plushies, Kot of Eden, Cocodrillo, AndelaiArt, Mangamaus, Pluszociem, Art N Prints , Hop’s Featherfest, Nighty’s Art Shop, FerraCraft, Perrydotto, Blackened Blue, Nicolas Dominique, Mane in Green, Velvet R. Wings and Imalou – for a lot of fantastic merchandise, which we could buy and/or sharing their works and pony-related activities with all of us!


employees of KD Krakov – for willingness and support, whenever we asked for help or a change of plans.

My girlfriend Madeleine, as well as to all of the relatives and close ones of all the organizers, who were standing by our side till the end – for immense patience and nerves during the last 6 months when we’ve not been there for you due to preparations of Czequestria.

Lauren Faust, Bonnie Zacherle, and everyone in the MLP: FiM team as well as everyone in the MLP G5 team for series, movies, comics… and the whole for the MLP phenomenon that bridged all the obstacles and distances between differences, inspired millions of people around the world, and eventually led some of us to Prague to Czequestria 2024. Thank you – we remember that all of this happened also thanks to you!

One final THANKS to all the attendees! Czequestria would not be the same or even possible without you all – so please accept our collective thanks from everypony who worked on Czequestria 2024! I look forward to seeing you at brony meetups and conventions!

– Jaroslav “Jamis” Haken –
chairman of Czequestria 2024