
Miss Libussa 2024 - info spring
Miss Libussa, envoy of the spring
(art by MesuYoru)

What would a convention do without the skilled merchants, exhibitors and talented artists who offer their art, goods and services? That’s where the vendors come into play! Even this year we have prepared a hall for you to sell and present your artwork and projects.

All vendors of any My Little Pony related merchandise are welcome, as well as exhibitors presenting their artwork and projects from the same area. These options are open to all Czequestria attendees as long as you and your goods follow the rules.

List of contents

Information for vendors

There will be two rounds of assigning vendor places:

  • The first round ends on June 30, 2024.
  • The second round starts on July 1, 2024, and ends on July 15, 2024.

For the first round, we guarantee 1 table (and up to 2 sellers) per vendor application, up to the total amount of vendor places available.

In the second round (based on the number of vendors) we will allocate the rest of the free tables to vendors that want more than 1 table. This is to ensure that if we had many vendors, we wouldn’t have to turn down anyone for the sake of others who offer a lot of goods.

New vendors will still be able to send their applications until the 15th of July 2022, but there is a higher chance that all tables will be already occupied.

The venue and its layout

Czequestria 2024 takes place in the same location as in previous years – KD Krakov.

The vendor area will be split into 2 areas. The primary (upper) area on the 1st floor (foyer of the Main Hall) is placed in the center of the room around the 2 pylons and has 18 vendor tables available. The lower area is on the ground floor (near the venue entrance) and provides 8 – 12 vendor tables.

Whether you will be placed on the first floor, or the ground floor, will be decided by Czequestria organizers, but usually, the first to apply will be placed on the 1st floor, so don’t hesitate too much with the application!

Content of the vendor place

  • Table of size 140 x 70 cm with a tablecloth and 2 chairs per table.
  • A power socket for low power consumption devices (laptops, monitors, chargers, lights, etc.) upon request in the application. If you are not sure or have another device you want to connect to a power socket, please let us know in the application or later via e-mail – we must comply with safety limits.
  • Safe overnight storage (from 22:00) in the room on the 1st floor from Saturday to Sunday (the convention building has its own security). Stored items must be picked up on Sunday before attendees arrive (10:00).
  • We don’t offer any special parking spots, but there are plenty of free options around the venue, see Transportation info for details.

Preparations before the start of the event and ending

Part of the vendor entry is the possibility to prepare your table before the arrival of attendees, at every day of the event:

  • Friday: 14:00 – 17:00 (preparation of the venue during “LARP” in the city)
  • Saturday: 8:30 – 10:00 (preparation before the event start)
  • Sunday: 9:00 – 10:00 (preparation before the event start)

The official end of Czequestria is scheduled for 18:00 on Sunday. Since attendees also make purchases when they leave, the vendor hall remains open until the venue closes for attendees. Time reserved for venue clean-up is until 20:00.

Vendor rules

  • All vendors have to comply with the convention-attendee rules along with the following vendor rules. All these rules must be respected strictly and without any exceptions!
  • You must fill in the application, be approved, and pay a vendor fee to sell any goods during the convention. For application, please use the form in the section Pricing and the Vendor application below. After we receive your application (when the deadline for the first round is about to end), we’ll contact you via e-mail about the approval and send you further details.
  • We offer our vendor spots only for the whole duration of the event to keep things nice and simple.
  • All merchandise must be suitable for all ages, as this is a family-friendly event. Any “adult content” (i.e. violence, pornography…) is strictly forbidden to be displayed or sold at the convention at all times. Failure to comply with this warning may result in removal from the Vendor Area, the revocation of Vendor status, forfeiture of vendor fee, or even removal from the convention. In case of doubts about whether you can or not show/sell something, please ask before, or at the beginning of the convention.
  • Pirated versions of official merchandise (from Hasbro etc.) are forbidden.
  • In case of the use of designs and/or artwork made by somebody else, you are responsible for obtaining permission from them. In case of need, you should be able to prove the permission on-demand from Czequestria staff (written permission, even in electronic form, online message is ok). If you fail to comply, you might be asked to stop selling certain items, the convention staff has doubts about.
  • Please, do not offer to sell any merchandise with the CZ/SK bronies or Czequestria or its mascot (Miss Libussa) theme without prior approval by the Czequestria vendor manager.
  • Tax liability and legal obligations are solely on you. The organizers are not responsible for your taxes or legal obligations, if and how you must pay or comply with them.

Pricing and the Vendor application

If you plan to be a vendor at Czequestria, do not buy an entry ticket for yourself and anyone you’ll be selling with: the vendor fee 1000 CZK includes vendor entry for 1 person and 1 vendor table.

If you plan to sell with more people at your vendor place, you can register up to 2 assistants/helpers per table. For each additional person, the seller’s fee increases by 500 CZK (this price is slightly lower than the Standard ticket, which costs 592 CZK).

Vendor and assistants/helpers entry has the same validity as the Standard ticket, with upgrades to both available to purchase if interested in (super)sponsor tickets rewards (see Tickets for details). Upgrade is a part of the seller’s and assistant/helper application.

If you plan to apply for more than one table, then for each additional vendor table, the vendor fee increases by 500 CZK. In this case, the total vendor fee will be determined after the decision on the allocation of additional tables, i.e. during the second round.

The vendor fee must be paid in one payment and can be paid by bank transfer (including SEPA), payment (debit) card online or PayPal (only if there is no other option for you).

How to apply for a vendor place

The following steps need to be taken to obtain vendor status:

  1. Fill in the Czequestria 2024 vendor application and wait for an e-mail approval confirmation.
  2. Pay vendor fee – detailed info will be provided in the approval email.

The application form for assistants/helpers is a part of the vendor application form mentioned above – when filling it out, don’t forget to enter the exact name of the vendor you are applying for!

If you have any questions about vendoring, feel free to write us an e-mail at