Trotting here from distant land: Przewalski’s Ponies

Przewalski's Ponies 2017; art by Velvet R. Wings
Przewalski's Ponies 2017; art by Velvet R. Wings

If you’ve already visited Czequestria at least once, you will surely remember the brony music band which comes to visit us every year and always brings beautiful songs to every pony at the con. This year we are proud to announce that Przewalski’s Ponies are returning once again! Now we’re looking forward to not just to listen to their songs, but also towards the reunion with our long-time-no-see friends.

Przewalski’s Ponies – Andy Feelin (bass guitar), 4/3 known also as Chord (guitar), and Velvet R. Wings (harp, vocal, percussion) – will present a new acoustic feature with the Celtic harp. Old songs, new sound! Also, Velvet R. Wings will perform her new songs by her solo project ILLUMNATION.

Find & listen to their music online at and on YouTube.

You can also find them as @PrzPwnies  on Twitter, at, or Facebook.

Przewalski's Ponies 2017; art by Velvet R. Wings
Przewalski’s Ponies; art by Velvet R. Wings

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