LARP – Basic info (2014)

Czequestria 2014 - LARP 3

If you don’t know whether you should participate or not, it may be because you’re not sure if your physical capabilities are sufficient. I would like to assure you that this worry is misplaced! I’m no body-builder, fitness enthusiast, or even “sporty” person and after going through the entire length of the LARP event’s path I felt tired the same way as when I run to catch a bus.

Most importantly, you’ll have the entire afternoon to enjoy the beauty of Prague as well as the story. And yes, there will be time for a lunch break! (no hay or carrots included though)

… so how will it look like?

Time and place: Palackého náměstí, 9:00 a.m. (there might be a slight change of the time. In this case, you’ll be contacted via email as well as here)
Path length: about 5 km, plus 6 km by public transport
Time for the walk: sufficient, about 5-7 hours
Finish: pre-meetup location – capacity sufficient, dinner possible
What to bring: comfortable shoes, some food for snacking, all-day ticket (see info tab)

In case you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me on Twitter (@tomaspre) or on email.