(art by Dyonys)
The fifth Czeqestria is over – did you enjoy it this year too? Are you planning to attend next time? What did you like and what should have been done differently?
Every year we try to make Czequestria better than last time – which is one of the unspoken duties of the organizers. But are we pushing it in the right direction? That’s the question for all attendees which you can help us answer!
As every year, we have prepared a survey in which you can share your experience of this year’s Czequestria. Although it may not seem obvious, feedback from attendees has a big influence on the preparations of any future events – as organizers, we will greatly appreciate the view from the other side, where we can no longer return 🙂
Thank you in advance for filling in the Czequestria 2022 attendee feedback!