Tickets (2015)

Miss Libussa - tickets

Huzzaaah! The tickets have arrived and you will be able to buy them from this very page!

We’ve tried our hardest to price them as low as feasibly possible to allow as many of you as possible to attend the convention without breaking your bit bank! We’ve also made sure that we are covered on our side while still being able to provide you all with lots of activities to do and fun to enjoy!

The Usual, please Feelin’ Fancy Castle Royale Let me in!
Sold out! Sold out! Sold out! Unavailable!
350 CZK 850 CZK 2015 CZK 0 CZK
Two day con entry Eeyup! Eeyup! Eeyup!
LARP entry Eeyup! Eeyup! Eeyup!
Conguide Eeyup! Eeyup! Eeyup!
Lanyard badge Eeyup! Eeyup! Eeyup!
Czequestria T-shirt Eeyup! Eeyup!
Name in the booklet Eeyup! Eeyup!
Czequestria button Eeyup! Eeyup!
Special voucher Eeyup!
Limited edition of Libussa 2015 figurine Eeyup!
A3 poster Eeyup!
(Nick)name in sponsors section Eeyup!
Reservation slot for a capacity upgrade Eeyup!