Charity auction – results

23. 12. 2015
Miss Libussa - info

All the paperwork is now finished, so we can proudly present the final amount of money donated in the Czequestria 2015 charity auction. In total, people pledged

2,503 €

Perry, hats off for this result 😉

Thanks to all donors for amazing stuff for the auction and auction attendees not just for the financial donations, but also for the spirit they created during the auction itself. All donated many were handed over to Your Siblings e.V. organization and used for buying anti-malaria nets against mosquitos to help fight malaria in third world countries.

Besides the overview at Bronies for Good page, Czequestria can be found in a video which compares (not only) charity donations at MLP: FiM conventions across Europe:

LARP results

23. 9. 2015
Miss Libussa - info

Hi, everypony!

Did you enjoy our LARP? If yes and you would like to find out how many points your team has scored or in which order has teams arrived at the final checkpoint then hit the link below!

Now for the cool stuff. The total number of groups was 21 and the game had 124 participants. Everybody has attempted to save Spike. The time difference between the first and the last group at the finish line was almost 5 hours while the group’s start time did not take effect on this. If you would like to know more interesting facts and info, then feel free to tweet me (@tomaspre)!

The story as well as the instructions in the Czech language are my work while the books that you’ve been collecting throughout the game were provided by Rivel Arosis (Thanks!). Translation has been done by Frolda and pipa, proofreading by Cwossie and pipa’s sister. Puzzles were invented mostly by D’Artagnan, checkpoint tasks were my creation.

In case you’ve feedback for me, please let me know! Be it through Twitter or via feedback form that we will send out shortly via email.

Thanks to every one of you for participating and helping!

The table with the results is here!


Thanks! (2015)

4. 9. 2015
Czequestria 2015 - Mane Hall; photo by Michy
Mane Hall, Czequestria 2015; photo by Michy

Czequestria – the very best of what the CZ/SK brony community can achieve, when everypony align their energy, strength, and work together towards a common dream to be turned into a reality!

Looking back at my past makes me wonder if at least once in my life the things will go according to plan. From the very beginnings of the first MLP: FiM CZ/SK convention preparations I honestly don’t believe that it will ever happen. The question itself doesn’t matter anymore…

Since Czequestria, no matter how badly or well it was planned, has received generous help from many people, each and every one of them playing their small or big part, has become something that will definitely remain a wonderful memory of not just a bunch, but hundreds of bronies, visiting from all over Europe and beyond!

Despite its greatness, it all can be summed up into a single word: Continue reading Thanks! (2015)

Thanks! (2014)

20. 9. 2014
Czequestria 2014 - mane hall
Mane Hall just before the start, Czequestria 2014; photo by CreepyRiver

“Know that your time is coming soon,
as the Sun rises, so does the Moon…”

This piece of the song sounded in my head all last week – it didn’t stop even after Czequestria started and has lasted until now. I would like to say a lot of things about the last weekend – so I’ll take it gradually and start with what I think is most important:
Continue reading Thanks! (2014)

LARP results 2014

19. 9. 2014
Miss Libussa - info

For everypony who couldn’t be at the contest ceremony on Sunday afternoon or just wants to see detailed LARP results, we bring you a complete spreadsheet. So just click here and find your team!

Once more we’d like to thank everypony who helped with the preparations.
Mainly: Michy, AutumnBreeze, Kája and pidi.
Also to Hanka, MrMaidx, Antošík, Honzdir and Alkel.
The translators and correctors: Frolda, pipa943 and Cwossie.
And of course all the NPCs: Tydlitele, pidi, Yami, Eile, Alkel, Iluzon, D’Artagnan, pipa943, Cwossie, Frolda, Antošík, Kája and AutumnBreeze.

Lastly thanks to all attendees! 🙂

Wait! We have one more thing for you. Are you still unsure about some of the solutions of the ciphers? So just click here and find out if you were right!